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2024 CPA Conference 

June 18 -21, 2024

in partnership with 

2024 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 

Virtual & In-Person in Montreal, QC


Congress 2024 (English) | Congrès 2024 (français)


Registration Now Open - REGISTER HERE


2024 Conference Plenary Speaker Lineup:

Lisa Shapiro (McGill) & Lynne Tirrell (UConn)

Resisting Misogyny: Historical and Contemporary Philosophical Perspectives / Résistance à la misogynie : perspectives philosophiques historiques et contemporaines

 Sarah Stroud (UNC Chapel Hill) & Jennifer Whiting (Pitt)

Personal Relationships / Relations personnelles

Claude Panaccio (UQAM) & Francois Recanati (Institut Jean Nicod)

Language and Thought / Langage et Pensée


View Full 2024 Program | View In-Person Program


View 2024 CPA Congress Award Winners


Important Conference Information: It is with profound regret that we are announcing that most of the CPA 2024 conference, scheduled for McGill campus June 18-21, is pivoting to online, via the Congress Virtual platform. This is devastating to the CPA, which has had only one in-person conference since 2019. However, we have spent the past weeks discussing, consulting, brainstorming, and modelling various options for how to deal with the challenging situation on McGill campus, and we have come to the unanimous conclusion that this is our only viable option, all things considered. You can read a full statement can be found here.


Virtual Attendees Click Here | In-Person Attendees Click Here


 View Available Session Handouts Here


Registration Fees: 

Registration for Congress is required for all participants, whether attending in person or virtually. For the full listing of Congress and CPA Conference fees, visit:

Black and Indigenous complimentary access:

Complimentary Congress and CPA conference registration for students who identify as Black, Indigenous, or other Person of Colour. **Use this link to complete your registration: (You will select the Student Member option for your Association Conference registration.)


Planning to attend in-person? In-Person Attendees Click Here

The CPA will hold a small number of in-person sessions and social gatherings in Montreal at Université de Montréal, Pavillon 3200 Jean-Brillant, Montréal QCIn-person registration will not be available onsite. To register to attend any Congress 2024 events, please do so online. REGISTER NOW.

Congress will still be hosting events at McGill. You can view the Congress 2024 Programming & Events here.

Picket passes: 

AMPL has offered Associations ‘picket passes’, which will allow our members to cross AMPL picket lines on McGill campus, if and when that is necessary. You can download your picket pass here. FAQ for attendees can be found here. AMPL has set up a dedicated email support for associations during Congress: Feel free to direct questions related to picket passes there. 


Planning to attend Virtually? Virtual Attendees Click Here


Conference Funding Opportunities:

CPA Student Travel Fund - Applications Now Being Accepted - Deadline to apply - June 28, 2024

Congess Child & Dependent Care Subsidy - Applications are now closed



One of the major complications of this pivot is how to support CPA members who have already spent money on the upcoming conference, and are justifiably worried about refunds or reimbursements. We are aware that this issue is effecting different members of our community in different ways, and the situation is evolving over time.

For example, we have recently learned that at least one major Canadian university has made an ad hoc policy deviation for Congress 2024, to allow reimbursement for funds spent, even if the participant ends up not travelling after all, but participates in the conference online. Another CPA member has told us that their local Faculty Association is offering to reimburse this sort of expense, as a show of solidarity with AMPL.

On the issue of reimbursements for CPA members who still go to Montreal, there are at least two options. One is that the CPA can provide certification of in-person attendance, at the U de M events. Another is that, with a picket pass, CPA members can still register in person on McGill campus. We assume that either of those avenues should suffice to satisfy the home institution’s requirements for proof of research travel.

After all that, the CPA has limited resources to provide refunds to anyone who is still incurring non-refundable, non-reimbursable expenses. Students and non-tenure-track scholars will be given the highest priority.

One CPA member has made the kind suggestion that we collect donations for this purpose; please click here if you wish to contribute to this fund. 

To apply for a refund from the CPA, please complete this online  Refund Request form. The deadline for applying to this fund is Friday June 14. 


Want to help?

We are looking for people to help us support the online sessions. Paid Zoom Host applications are currently being accepted. More information can be found on our Job Postings page here.

Donate to the CPA Congress 2024 Fund. Donations to the CPA Congress 2024 fund will go directly to support those CPA members who have incurred non-refundable, non-reimbursable expenses due to the CPA conference moving online as a result of the current events taking place at McGill. Students and non-tenure-track scholars will be given the highest priority.


Keep in touch: 

* Add to your allowed or safe-senders list

* Follow us on social media: Twitter, Facebook

* Subscribe to the "Congress 2024" article tag on the CPA newsfeed

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2024 Call for Papers - Now Closed

Not yet a member? Join or renew your membership today!


2024 Program Chair: Juan S. Piñeros Glasscock -

CPA Administration:


Upcoming Events

Register online. For more information about Conferences and Workshops follow this link.

DIALOGUETo promote philosophical scholarship and exchange, the CPA publishes a journal: Dialogue