13th Annual Meeting of The Hannah Arendt Circle
April 11-13, 2019
University of Alberta, Edmonton
Please submit an abstract formatted for anonymous review (750 word limit in .doc or .docx format) on any aspect of Hannah Arendt's work.
Send as an email attachment to arendtcircle2019@gmail.com
Please indicate "Arendt Circle Submission" in the subject heading of your email.
Deadline: December 1, 2018 Program decisions announced by January 10, 2019.
Yasemin Sari
University of Northern Iowa
Katy Fulfer
University of Waterloo
Andreas Stuhlmann
University of Alberta
The Arendt Circle also hosts two working groups, which will meet on Thursday, April 11, 2019.
For more information on the format and how to participate, please contact the working group coordinators by email:
1. "Arendt Beyond Borders": Lisa Stenmark, San Jose State University @ lisa.stenmark@sjsu.edu
2. "Hannah Arendt and Her Contemporaries": David Antonini,ClemsonUniversity @ dranton@clemson.edu
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