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Call For Papers Metaxy Philosophy, Art, and Recognition

Call For Papers Metaxy Philosophy, Art, and Recognition

Call For Papers: «Metaxy: philosophy, art and recognition»

We present the call for papers for the fourth issue of «Metaxy: philosophy, art and recognition», an international scientific journal edited by Città Nuova Editrice of Rome, promoted by the international research group “Arte e riconoscimento” of the International Human-being Research Center (IHRC), inter-departmental study centre based at the Università degli Studi di Perugia. At the core of the scientific and cultural interests of the journal is the consideration of art as a place of emergence and manifestation of the potential that man, in every age, has put into action to reshape new worlds and to affirm their practical and ethical consistency through the different forms of the creative imagination. For this reason, it is a proper space or a relational original fact: it represents and configures, for thought, the place of an ontology of relation inside which a real interdisciplinary dialogue and encounter between knowledges takes place.

The path that the IHRC study centre and the «Metaxy: philosophy, art and recognition» journal intend to open, supports the rethinking and the reinterpretation of some previously traced paths from different perspectives, and is oriented to the consideration of art in all its forms (poetry, visual arts, literature, music, theatre and dance) as a manifestation and as a sensitive form that reveals the profound needs of the human and, therefore, a place of recognition of the latter. The link between art and recognition indicates, in this perspective, the consideration of art as a metaxy that is understood not only as an intermediary, but as the place of mediation or, rather, of relationships: space in which the work of man reacquires and continues to assume the original sense of re-creation of a given world, of re-visitation of the latter and of the “traces'' that the human itself has left there. Original space in which our being in the world occurs as circulation of meaning according to a shared and non-ownable participative form.

The journal welcomes contributions oriented to the research lines outlined above, in particular contributions that revolve around: the value of the places of art and the space of art; the dynamics of listening, focusing on the themes and key concepts of silence, sacred, mysticism, myth, nature, and the inner dimension of the human production; the fact of art as a place of participation, social inclusion and integration of cultures; the forms of narration and culture as spaces of recognition of the human. Lastly, and fundamentally at the centre of the journal’s interest there is art (original relational fact) and the places of art (museum spaces, installations and works) which are configured as “spaces” to rethink culture as a place of constant attestation/redefinition of forms and models of humanism. Special contributions may also concern readings and perspectives opened by specific productions and reviews of monographies, exhibitions, events.

«Metaxy» has an annual frequency, alongside the publication of special issues or notebooks of specific research topics and publishes with the golden open access editorial model. The journal selects and welcomes contributions that interact interdisciplinarily with the topics outlined above, with original proposals in form of essays and reviews, subjected to the double-blind peer review. «Metaxy» respects the independence of scientific research and the choices made by editorial committees, to this purpose, at each phase of the publication process it adopts the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics.

Proposal for unpublished essays

Deadline: 31 May 2025

The journal accepts and selects unpublished essays written in one of the following languages: Italian, English, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, with a maximum extension of 50.000 characters, spaces included.

The selection of the essays will be made according to a double-blind peer review.

The submission of the text must be accompanied by a declaration from the part of the author, able to certify that the contribution has not been published and has not been successfully evaluated in other editorial offices.

Referral times and outcomes can be monitored in the reserved area of the website.

Proposal for unpublished reviews

Deadline: 31 May 2025

The journal welcomes and selects unpublished reviews written in the following languages: Italian, English, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, with a maximum extension of 20.000 characters, spaces included.

Contributions proposed for publication must be drafted according to the journal’s editorial redactional norms.  The submission of the text must be accompanied by a declaration from the part of the author, able to certify that the contribution has not been published and has not been successfully evaluated in other editorial offices.

The selection of the reviews is carried out by the editorial staff of the journal.

Release scheduled for: December 2025

Useful information for uploading texts:

  • To proceed with the upload, you must register on the website.
  • The file containing the text must be anonymous and without any reference to the author. To upload the text the following formats are accepted: Microsoft Word; Open Office; RTF; WordPerfect. The contribution must include a bilingual abstract (one in the language in which the contribution is written and one in English) not exceeding 1000 characters including spaces and five Key Words in English.
  • Submissions must follow the redactional norms of Metaxy journal.

For information contact the editorial office:

Direttore / Editor in Chief: Massimiliano Marianelli

Comitato editoriale/ Editorial Board:  

Alvaro Abellán (UFV, Madrid); Luca Alici (Unipg, Perugia); Cecilia Avenatti de Palumbo (UCA, Buenos Aires); Nadia Barrella (UniCampania); Filipe Campelo (UFPE, Recife); Alessandro Clemenzia (Ftic, Firenze); Giuseppe D’Anna (Unicatt, Milano); Emilio Delgado Martos (UFV, Madrid); Reynner Franco (USAL, Salamanca); Gianluca Garelli (Unifi, Firenze), Javier Roberto González (UCA, Buenos Aires); Guillermo Gómez-Ferrer Lozano (UCV, Valencia); Domingo Hernández (USAL, Salamanca); Aude Jeannerod (UCLy, Lyon); Fabio Marcelli (Unipg, Perugia); Giancarlo Marchetti (Unipg, Perugia); Catalina Martin Lloris (UCV, Valencia); Marco Martino (IUS Sophia, segretario); Serena Meattini (Unipg, Perugia); Giovanni Morrone (UniCampania); Marco Moschini (Unipg, Perugia); Chiara Pesaresi (UCLy, Lyon); Elena Rapetti (Unicatt, Milano); Riccardo Rezzesi (UCLy, Lyon); Orsola Rignani (Unipr, Parma); Elisa Rubino (Unisalento); Laura Sanò (Unipd, Padova); Ludovico Solima (UniCampania); Paolo Valore (UniMi, Milano); Dominique Vinay (UCLy, Lyon); Christine Zyka (Newman Institute for Catholic Studies, Uppsala); Silvia Pierosara (Unimc)

 January 29, 2025