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Call for Applications

  • Nissa Bell posted an article
    Dialogue - Call for French Submissions see more

    Dear CPA Members,


    The editorial team of the journal Dialogue, affiliated with the Canadian Philosophical Association, reminds its members that the submission of articles in French is always welcome.


    Established in 1962 and funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Dialogue publishes articles and special issues in all areas of philosophy. The journal meets the highest academic standards and is published by Cambridge University Press. It has 3 issues per year and offers accelerated publication times once articles have been reviewed and accepted.


    Dialogue also subscribes to Cambridge University Press' Green Open Access policy, which allows for the distribution of certain versions of articles published on multiple platforms, and aims to make its modes of publication compatible with the open access requirements now imposed by many granting agencies.


    Manuscripts can be submitted online on the ScholarOne platform at

    For more information on submitting articles, visit our website:

    If you have any questions or would like to propose a special issue project, please do not hesitate to contact us directly at


    Looking forward to reading your contributions,


    Charles Côté-Bouchard

    Collège Montmorency

    Francophone Editor of Dialogue


    Cécile Facal

    French-speaking editorial assistant

    Dialogue. Canadian Journal of Philosophy

     February 08, 2024
  • Nissa Bell posted an article
    The CPA is pleased to announce the third edition of the Summer Institute. see more

    The Canadian Philosophical Association, together with the Departments of Philosophy at York University, Toronto Metropolitan University, and the University of Toronto, is pleased to announce the third edition of the Summer Institute. A one-week enrichment program for philosophy undergraduates from across Canada, the Summer Institute will give students from underrepresented groups an intensive immersion in academic philosophy. This program is open to students at Canadian Universities who are members of groups underrepresented among Canadian Philosophy faculty, including First Nations, Inuit, Métis, Black and racialized persons, women, persons with disabilities, and first generation university and college students.

    Participants will meet in Toronto for a week of philosophical activity, including seminars and guest lectures on a variety of topics, and peer discussion groups on areas of shared philosophical interest. Special guests include Yann Allard-Tremblay and Meena Krishnamurthy

    The 2024 program will run from May 13-17, 2024 in Toronto. All successful applicants will be fully funded, including round-trip travel from anywhere in Canada, local transport, accommodation, meals, and a $400 stipend.

    Deadline for applications is February 29, 2024. Click here to apply online. 

    Applicants will need to answer some questions about their interests in philosophy and in the CPA Summer institute, and supply the name and university email address of a faculty member who has recently taught them in a philosophy course. We’ll be in touch with that person to ask them for a short letter of recommendation. 

    For more information, please contact 

     January 18, 2024
  • Jennifer Burns posted an article
    PhD Scholarships, Dept of Politics and Philosophy, La Trobe University, Melbourne see more

    Ph.D. scholarships.  The Department of Politics and Philosophy at La Trobe University in Melbourne is offering two doctoral scholarships to research candidates interested in the field of Philosophy in conjunction with the appointment of Rob Wilson as the professor of philosophy.  Each scholarship provides an annual stipend of approximately $27 000, plus an international student waiver, for up to four years.  Expressions of interest are welcome from students planning to work in the philosophy of mind and cognitive science, the philosophy of biology, the philosophy of social science, philosophy in the schools, or philosophical engagement in public life.  Candidates from traditionally under-represented groups and with non-standard backgrounds are especially encouraged to apply or to contact the professor directly.  For further details, please see and the full posting at, scrolling to the entries under “ASSC Scholarships”.


     December 07, 2017
  • Brenda Sanderson posted an article
    The Dan David Society of Fellows is accepting applications for postdoctoral research. see more

    The Dan David Society of Fellows at Tel Aviv University is accepting applications for postdoctoral research in the study of the past. This two-year fellowship offers generous funding for international and Israeli scholars across disciplines including history,  archaeology, art history, history of education, history of science, technology and medicine, anthropology, literature, philosophy, and digital humanities.

    Applicants must have completed their PhD between October 1, 2020, and September 1, 2025. Researchers who completed their PhD at Tel Aviv University are ineligible. Those who have not yet completed their degree must provide a statement from their institution indicating the prospective submission date. Parental leave can extend eligibility by one year per child.

    Up to four fellowships will be awarded, each for a maximum of two years starting October 1, 2025. Fellows will be active members of Tel Aviv University’s scholarly community, participate in seminars, and present their research annually. The fellowship includes a $40,000 annual scholarship, with additional research and travel funding, and subsidized on-campus housing for non-Israeli fellows.

    Applications must include a CV, research statement, PhD summary, and two recommendation letters (one from the doctoral supervisor and one external).

    The deadline for the 2025-2027 academic years is December 15, 2024. Candidates will be informed of the decision regarding their application by April 2025.

    Applications are submitted online: Dan David Fellows Application Form.

     October 02, 2024
  • Jennifer Nagel posted an article
    The CPA is pleased to announce the second edition of the Summer Institute. see more

    The Canadian Philosophical Association, together with the Departments of Philosophy at York University, Toronto Metropolitan University, and the University of Toronto, is pleased to announce the second edition of the Summer Institute. A one-week program for philosophy undergraduates from across Canada, the Summer Institute will give students from underrepresented groups an intensive immersion in academic philosophy. First Nations, Inuit, Métis, Black, women, disabled and other groups underrepresented among Canadian philosophy faculty, including first-generation university and college students, are encouraged to apply.

    The program will feature guest lectures on a variety of topics, and peer discussion groups on areas of shared philosophical interest. Special guests include Chike Jeffers and Barry Lam

    The 2023 program will run from June 5 - 9 in Toronto. Travel, meals and accommodation will be fully covered, and participants will also receive a small stipend.

    The extended deadline for applications is March 7, 2023. Click here to apply online.

    For more information, please contact 




    Photo by Sidra S on Unsplash

     January 28, 2023
  • Jennifer Burns posted an article
    Application deadline: April 30, 2022 see more


     The international and interdisciplinary research group “Gilles Deleuze and Cosmology” invites applications for a 12-month postdoctoral research fellowship. The general objective of this research group formed by philosophers and physicists is to explain the role of cosmology in Deleuze’s thought. For more information, please visit

     April 04, 2022
  • Jennifer Burns posted an article
    Applications are due March 31 for the in-person program and by June 15 for the online program. see more



    Summer Research Program 2021

    EHESS in Paris, France & Simultaneously Online

    Founding Director: Gabriel Rockhill




    Location: EHESS, 105 boulevard Raspail, 75005 Paris, France; Online (both programs will be identical)

    Dates: June 28 - July 16, 2021u

    Contact: Rosa Dolet <>

    Languages: English & French (events in French will be translated into English so knowledge of French is beneficial but not a requirement)

    Eligibility: Anyone with the requisite background, including faculty, graduate & advanced undergraduate students, artists, activists, autodidacts

    Program Fee: A sliding scale from $575 to $975 for the in-person program in Paris; A sliding scale from $375 to $775 for the online program

    Full and partial financial aid is available

    Invited Speakers: Pierre-Antoine Chardel, Annie Lacroix-Riz, Michael Löwy, Jennifer Ponce de León, Gabriel Rockhill, Sophie Wahnich. Past speakers have included Seloua Luste Boulbina, Jacques Rancière and Domenico Losurdo.

    The Critical Theory Workshop/Atelier de Théorie Critique runs an intensive research program in Paris, and simultaneously online, whose primary objective is to provide an international forum for trans-disciplinary and comparative work in critical social theory, in the most expansive sense of the term. Participants are exposed to the work of contemporary thinkers and engage with current debates in the Francophone world and beyond. Special attention is paid to traditions of thought that have been structurally suppressed in the academy, including Marxism, the black radical tradition, anticolonial theory, socialist feminism and radical ecological thought.

    The summer program is organized around rigorous collective debates and theory in action. Our invited guests are asked to share work in progress and participate in discussions of their research. Participants in the program—unless they opt out—work on and present their own research projects in working groups. The overall objective is to bring together a diverse panoply of thinkers in order to cultivate productive, collaborative and transdisciplinary research.



    Applications are due March 31 for the in-person program and by June 15 for the online program, but there is a rolling admissions policy so early applications are welcome.

    For additional information, including how to apply:

     February 18, 2021
  • Jennifer Burns posted an article
    The 2020 summer program will take place online. see more




    The 2020 summer program, directed by Gabriel Rockhill and Jennifer Ponce de León, will take place online from June 29 to July 17. It is open to graduate students and faculty, as well as advanced undergraduates, independent researchers, writers and artists. Invited guests for 2020 thus far include, in addition to the directors, Timothy Bewes, Christine Delphy, Massimiliano Tomba and Antonio Vázquez-Arroyo. Past speakers have included thinkers like Seloua Luste Boulbina, Jacques Rancière and Domenico Losurdo.

    The CTW/ATC summer school is an intensive research program whose primary objective is to provide an international forum for trans-disciplinary and comparative work in critical social theory, in the most expansive sense of the term. Participants are exposed to the work of contemporary thinkers and engage with current debates in the Francophone world and beyond. Special attention is paid to traditions of thought that have been excluded from the academy, including Marxism, anarchism, the black radical tradition, anticolonial theory, materialist feminism and radical ecological thought. The 2019 Workshop will be comprised of three interlocking components:

    • "Débats": invited speakers debate on a common theme or question.

    • "Rencontres": intellectuals are invited to participate in public interviews on their work.

    • "Groupes de travail": the participants present and workshop their own research.

    There is not a yearly theme because the goal is to develop a trans-disciplinary analysis of the contemporary world from a historical and internationalist perspective. However, topics covered in 2020 will include, but not be limited to: materialist feminism, radical ecology, postcolonial literature and theory, radical art and social movements from the Global South, international critical theory, revolutionary theory and the history of revolutions, the historical legacies of “68 thought,” and materialist critiques of both radical democracy and the decolonial turn.

    For more information and applications:

  • Jennifer Burns posted an article
    The 2020 summer program will take place from June 29 to July 17 at the EHESS in central Paris. see more



    The 2020 summer program, directed by Gabriel Rockhill and Jennifer Ponce de León, will take place from June 29 to July 17 at the EHESS in central Paris. It is open to graduate students and faculty, as well as advanced undergraduates, independent researchers, writers and artists. Invited guests for 2020 thus far include, in addition to the directors, Timothy Bewes, Christine Delphy, Massimiliano Tomba and Antonio Vázquez-Arroyo. Past speakers have included thinkers like Seloua Luste Boulbina, Jacques Rancière and Domenico Losurdo.

    The CTW/ATC summer school is an intensive research program whose primary objective is to provide an international forum for trans-disciplinary and comparative work in critical social theory, in the most expansive sense of the term. Participants are exposed to the work of contemporary thinkers and engage with current debates in the Francophone world and beyond. Special attention is paid to traditions of thought that have been excluded from the academy, including Marxism, anarchism, the black radical tradition, anticolonial theory, materialist feminism and radical ecological thought. The 2019 Workshop will be comprised of three interlocking components:

    • "Débats": invited speakers debate on a common theme or question.

    • "Rencontres": intellectuals are invited to participate in public interviews on their work.

    • "Groupes de travail": the participants present and workshop their own research.

    There is not a yearly theme because the goal is to develop a trans-disciplinary analysis of the contemporary world from a historical and internationalist perspective. However, topics covered in 2020 will include, but not be limited to: materialist feminism, radical ecology, postcolonial literature and theory, radical art and social movements from the Global South, international critical theory, revolutionary theory and the history of revolutions, the historical legacies of “68 thought,” and materialist critiques of both radical democracy and the decolonial turn.

    For more information and applications:




     January 16, 2020
  • Jennifer Burns posted an article
    Stage postdoctoral de 35,000$ (salaire brut), non renouvelable. see more








    Concours de stage postdoctoral du CRIDAQ

    Les membres du Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire sur la diversité et la démocratie (CRIDAQ) sont heureux d’offrir, pour l’année académique 2019-2020, un stage postdoctoral de 35,000$ (salaire brut), non renouvelable. Ce stage doit servir à mener un projet qui touche aux axes et aux thématiques de recherche du CRIDAQ dans l’une des 4 antennes du Centre (UQAM, Université Laval, Université de Montréal, Université Concordia).


    Lisez la suite sur le site du CRIDAQ.


    Pour toute question, contactez l’équipe du CRIDAQ :



    CRIDAQ postodoctoral fellowship

    The Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Diversity and Democracy (CRIDAQ) at Université du Québec à Montréal is offering a postdoctoral fellowship for the 2019-2020 academic year ($35,000 gross salary). The fellowship must be used to carry out a project related to the CRIDAQ research themes in one of four CRIDAQ antennae (UQAM, Université Laval, Université de Montréal, Concordia University).


    Read more on CRIDAQ webpage.


    For any question, please contact


     December 04, 2018
  • Jennifer Burns posted an article
    The Centre for Clinical Ethics invites applications for a 1 year Fellowship starting September 2018. see more

    The Centre for Clinical Ethics (CCE), with funding from the Catholic Health Alliance of Canada (CHAC), invites applications for a paid Fellowship in Clinical and Organizational Ethics starting in September 2018 in Toronto, Canada.

    The CCE ( is part of the new health-care network formed by St. Joseph’s Health Centre, Providence Healthcare, and St. Michael’s Hospital, and it provides services to nine healthcare organizations across Ontario. The CCE is committed to the core values of its home organization and its mission is to enable members of the healthcare community to identify and resolve ethical issues that arise in the clinical setting. The CCE’s core activities include education, case consultations, policy development, and research.

    The CCE invites applications for a one-year Fellowship in Clinical and Organizational Ethics, beginning September 2018. The purpose of this fellowship is to train individuals to be competent practicing healthcare ethicists with particular attention to the skills required to work in a Catholic healthcare setting. Fellows who successfully complete this program will be equipped to work in both faith-based and non-faith-based healthcare settings.

    The Fellow will spend one year supporting ethics programs in the CCE’s partner organizations, contributing to the intellectual and scholarly activities of the CCE, and participating in regular educational and professional development sessions. The Fellow will thereby enhance their knowledge and skill competencies in the core areas of clinical and organizational ethics activities (ethics consultation, policy development, teaching, research ethics, and research). There will be an emphasis on developing leadership capacity in these areas.

    The Fellow will have ongoing opportunities to engage in multi-disciplinary ethics networking and continuing education, and will have access to a wide range of clinical ethics and organizational ethics expertise in a variety of healthcare settings. The Fellow may have the opportunity to spend a number of weeks working on-site with the ethics team at a CHAC-affiliated healthcare institution in another part of Canada.

    Requirements of the program include successful completion of: ongoing educational modules on core topics in healthcare ethics and healthcare law; independent scholarly work in healthcare ethics theory or practice (including completion of a manuscript suitable for peer-reviewed publication and submission of an abstract to the Canadian Bioethics Society annual conference); at least three Ethics Grand Rounds presentation at CCE partner hospitals; a specialized course focused on complex ethical issues relevant to Catholic healthcare institutions; at least three simulation clinical ethics consultations
    (with Standardized Patient actors); and an assessment of readiness for practice by the CCE Fellowship Director and the Director of the CCE. The Fellow’s progress through and completion of the Fellowship will be evaluated through both formative and summative assessment.

    Fellows receive CAN$45,000 ($43,200 stipend plus 4% vacation pay) over the course of the year. In addition, Fellows are entitled to paid statutory holidays and up to two weeks of unpaid vacation time. Fellows’ registration fees and travel expenses are also covered for the Canadian Bioethics Society annual conference.

    Eligibility Requirements
    The ideal candidate will hold a graduate degree in a field relevant to bioethics (e.g., theology, religion, philosophy, bioethics, or medical science) and have an interest in working in a Catholic healthcare setting. This candidate should also have undertaken significant course work in ethics, including, but not limited to, bioethics, and have some previous experience in applied clinical or organizational ethics.

    Each applicant is expected to propose a research project involving healthcare ethics theory or practice that can be completed within one year, resulting in a manuscript appropriate for publication. The applicant is asked to submit a brief description of the proposed research project, including an explanation of why the applicant is interested in the project and why the applicant believes it will be meaningful to others in the field. Applicants will be ranked based on (1) their previous training in ethics, including bioethics, (2) their experience in applied clinical or organizational ethics, (3) their commitment to continuing to work in the field of clinical or organizational ethics, (4)their potential to contribute to the field of bioethics, (5) their interpersonal skills, and (6) the suitability and feasibility of their proposed research project.

    How to apply:
    1) To apply, please send the following by Friday, March 30, 2018 to Lynda Sullivan, CCE administrative assistant, at

    a) your curriculum vitae (full version as opposed to abbreviated)

    b) a letter of application describing your interest in healthcare ethics and in this Fellowship, and explaining how your experience prepares you for the Fellowship,


    c) a sample of written scholarly work in the area of bioethics (i.e., one course paper, thesis chapter, paper submitted for publication, or publication).

    2) Please also arrange to have three original letters of reference (at least one from a supervisor familiar with your academic/scholarly work and at least one from someone familiar with your participation in an applied setting) sent by your referees via email directly to Lynda Sullivan at Please ask your referees to address the selection criteria outlined in the “eligibility requirements” paragraph above.

    3) If you are currently enrolled in a degree program, you must have completed your degree or have formally submitted your thesis for defense before start of the Fellowship. You must have your supervisor send a letter confirming your graduation or formal submission of the thesis before the start of the fellowship.

    If you have any questions, please contact Lynda Sullivan via email ( or telephone (416-530-6750).

    The deadline for receipt of completed applications is Friday, March 30, 2018.

    While we appreciate all applications received, only those short-listed will be contacted.

     February 12, 2018