Nissa Bell posted an articleDialogue - Call for French Submissions see more
Dear CPA Members,
The editorial team of the journal Dialogue, affiliated with the Canadian Philosophical Association, reminds its members that the submission of articles in French is always welcome.
Established in 1962 and funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Dialogue publishes articles and special issues in all areas of philosophy. The journal meets the highest academic standards and is published by Cambridge University Press. It has 3 issues per year and offers accelerated publication times once articles have been reviewed and accepted.
Dialogue also subscribes to Cambridge University Press' Green Open Access policy, which allows for the distribution of certain versions of articles published on multiple platforms, and aims to make its modes of publication compatible with the open access requirements now imposed by many granting agencies.
Manuscripts can be submitted online on the ScholarOne platform at
For more information on submitting articles, visit our website:
If you have any questions or would like to propose a special issue project, please do not hesitate to contact us directly at
Looking forward to reading your contributions,
Charles Côté-Bouchard
Collège Montmorency
Francophone Editor of Dialogue
Cécile Facal
French-speaking editorial assistant
Dialogue. Canadian Journal of Philosophy
Nissa Bell posted an articleCfP Canadian Jacques Maritain Association June 18-21 2024 see more
Canadian Jacques Maritain Association
Annual Symposium
June 18-21, 2024
In conjunction with the
Canadian Philosophical Association and
Congress for the Humanities and Social Sciences
McGill University
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Theme: Maritain, Aquinas, and the Promise of Thomism
The influence of St. Thomas Aquinas on the life and work of Jacques Maritain is unmistakable. Aquinas inspired Maritain to become not only a philosopher, but an exponent and modern-day promulgator of Aquinas's philosophy. Since the publication of the papal encyclical Aeterni patris, many have turned their attention to Aquinas's work and have been convinced of its value to an age that had succumbed to depersonalizing ideologies and turned its back on the teachings of the perennial philosophy. In this respect, Aquinas was heralded as a guide to follow and a model to emulate.
The Spring Symposium 2024 of the Canadian Jacques Maritain Association will focus on the relationship between St. Thomas Aquinas and Jacques Maritain by assessing the importance of this intellectual and spiritual bond and the fruit that it has produced. A secondary focus is the influence of Aquinas on the Neo-thomistic movement, which include such eminent figures as Étienne Gilson, Joseph Maréchal, Mortimer J. Adler, W. Norris Clarke, Josef Pieper, Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, Erich Przywara, Charles De Koninck, Benedict Ashley, Ralph McInerny and Lawrence Dewan.
As we find humanity in the 21st-century beset by innumerable unique challenges, from the transhumanist agenda to the technological hegemony of the internet and artificial intelligence to the various afflictions in the moral and political order, Aquinas's wisdom is needed now more than ever. A pressing question that lies at the forefront is: how can the spirit of Thomism address the coming issues of our age?
The Canadian Jacques Maritain Association welcomes topics that treat aspects of Maritain's and Aquinas's thought either independently or in relation to each other. Of particular interest are papers that discuss the influence of Aquinas on the contemporary period as well as the promise that it affords for the philosophical, moral, political, social, and theological challenges that are felt to be current in our world or that ominously loom on the horizon.
Since the Canadian Jacques Maritain Association is a bilingual association, papers can be in either English or French. Selected papers will be published in Études maritainiennes-Maritain Studies, the official journal of the Canadian Jacques Maritain Association.
The conference will take place over one or two days during the period of June 18-21, 2024—the actual dates are yet to be determined—in conjunction with the spring conference of the Canadian Philosophical Association and the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada will be the host venue.
Those who wish to present a paper should send by e-mail a one-page abstract or proposal to:
Dr. Nikolaj Zunic
Department of Philosophy
St. Jerome's University
290 Westmount Road North, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G3, Canada
Deadline for submission of proposals: April 15, 2024
Papers should not exceed 35 minutes reading time.
For more information, please visit the website for the Canadian Jacques Maritain Association:
Brenda Sanderson posted an articleWe present the call for papers for the fourth issue of «Metaxy: philosophy, art and recognition», an see more
Call For Papers: «Metaxy: philosophy, art and recognition»
We present the call for papers for the fourth issue of «Metaxy: philosophy, art and recognition», an international scientific journal edited by Città Nuova Editrice of Rome, promoted by the international research group “Arte e riconoscimento” of the International Human-being Research Center (IHRC), inter-departmental study centre based at the Università degli Studi di Perugia. At the core of the scientific and cultural interests of the journal is the consideration of art as a place of emergence and manifestation of the potential that man, in every age, has put into action to reshape new worlds and to affirm their practical and ethical consistency through the different forms of the creative imagination. For this reason, it is a proper space or a relational original fact: it represents and configures, for thought, the place of an ontology of relation inside which a real interdisciplinary dialogue and encounter between knowledges takes place.
The path that the IHRC study centre and the «Metaxy: philosophy, art and recognition» journal intend to open, supports the rethinking and the reinterpretation of some previously traced paths from different perspectives, and is oriented to the consideration of art in all its forms (poetry, visual arts, literature, music, theatre and dance) as a manifestation and as a sensitive form that reveals the profound needs of the human and, therefore, a place of recognition of the latter. The link between art and recognition indicates, in this perspective, the consideration of art as a metaxy that is understood not only as an intermediary, but as the place of mediation or, rather, of relationships: space in which the work of man reacquires and continues to assume the original sense of re-creation of a given world, of re-visitation of the latter and of the “traces'' that the human itself has left there. Original space in which our being in the world occurs as circulation of meaning according to a shared and non-ownable participative form.
The journal welcomes contributions oriented to the research lines outlined above, in particular contributions that revolve around: the value of the places of art and the space of art; the dynamics of listening, focusing on the themes and key concepts of silence, sacred, mysticism, myth, nature, and the inner dimension of the human production; the fact of art as a place of participation, social inclusion and integration of cultures; the forms of narration and culture as spaces of recognition of the human. Lastly, and fundamentally at the centre of the journal’s interest there is art (original relational fact) and the places of art (museum spaces, installations and works) which are configured as “spaces” to rethink culture as a place of constant attestation/redefinition of forms and models of humanism. Special contributions may also concern readings and perspectives opened by specific productions and reviews of monographies, exhibitions, events.
«Metaxy» has an annual frequency, alongside the publication of special issues or notebooks of specific research topics and publishes with the golden open access editorial model. The journal selects and welcomes contributions that interact interdisciplinarily with the topics outlined above, with original proposals in form of essays and reviews, subjected to the double-blind peer review. «Metaxy» respects the independence of scientific research and the choices made by editorial committees, to this purpose, at each phase of the publication process it adopts the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics.
Proposal for unpublished essays
Deadline: 31 May 2025
The journal accepts and selects unpublished essays written in one of the following languages: Italian, English, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, with a maximum extension of 50.000 characters, spaces included.
The selection of the essays will be made according to a double-blind peer review.
The submission of the text must be accompanied by a declaration from the part of the author, able to certify that the contribution has not been published and has not been successfully evaluated in other editorial offices.
Referral times and outcomes can be monitored in the reserved area of the website.
Proposal for unpublished reviews
Deadline: 31 May 2025
The journal welcomes and selects unpublished reviews written in the following languages: Italian, English, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, with a maximum extension of 20.000 characters, spaces included.
Contributions proposed for publication must be drafted according to the journal’s editorial redactional norms. The submission of the text must be accompanied by a declaration from the part of the author, able to certify that the contribution has not been published and has not been successfully evaluated in other editorial offices.
The selection of the reviews is carried out by the editorial staff of the journal.
Release scheduled for: December 2025
Useful information for uploading texts:
- To proceed with the upload, you must register on the website.
- The file containing the text must be anonymous and without any reference to the author. To upload the text the following formats are accepted: Microsoft Word; Open Office; RTF; WordPerfect. The contribution must include a bilingual abstract (one in the language in which the contribution is written and one in English) not exceeding 1000 characters including spaces and five Key Words in English.
- Submissions must follow the redactional norms of Metaxy journal.
For information contact the editorial office:
Direttore / Editor in Chief: Massimiliano Marianelli
Comitato editoriale/ Editorial Board:
Alvaro Abellán (UFV, Madrid); Luca Alici (Unipg, Perugia); Cecilia Avenatti de Palumbo (UCA, Buenos Aires); Nadia Barrella (UniCampania); Filipe Campelo (UFPE, Recife); Alessandro Clemenzia (Ftic, Firenze); Giuseppe D’Anna (Unicatt, Milano); Emilio Delgado Martos (UFV, Madrid); Reynner Franco (USAL, Salamanca); Gianluca Garelli (Unifi, Firenze), Javier Roberto González (UCA, Buenos Aires); Guillermo Gómez-Ferrer Lozano (UCV, Valencia); Domingo Hernández (USAL, Salamanca); Aude Jeannerod (UCLy, Lyon); Fabio Marcelli (Unipg, Perugia); Giancarlo Marchetti (Unipg, Perugia); Catalina Martin Lloris (UCV, Valencia); Marco Martino (IUS Sophia, segretario); Serena Meattini (Unipg, Perugia); Giovanni Morrone (UniCampania); Marco Moschini (Unipg, Perugia); Chiara Pesaresi (UCLy, Lyon); Elena Rapetti (Unicatt, Milano); Riccardo Rezzesi (UCLy, Lyon); Orsola Rignani (Unipr, Parma); Elisa Rubino (Unisalento); Laura Sanò (Unipd, Padova); Ludovico Solima (UniCampania); Paolo Valore (UniMi, Milano); Dominique Vinay (UCLy, Lyon); Christine Zyka (Newman Institute for Catholic Studies, Uppsala); Silvia Pierosara (Unimc)
Brenda Sanderson posted an articleThe editors of Hume Studies are planning to publish a special panel see more
The editors of Hume Studies are planning to publish a special panel on “David Hume and the Enlightenment: New Perspectives.” We are especially interested in Hume’s relationship to neglected figures or to little-discussed Enlightenment themes, although all relevant topics are welcome. There is no word limit, but we highly prefer papers under 12,000 words, inclusive of notes. To submit your paper for consideration, simply go to the Hume Studies website and follow the instructions for submissions:
When you submit your paper, please write in the “Comments for the Editors” that you would like your paper considered for the special panel. Abstracts are not eligible; we will consider full papers only.
Submissions need not be formatted according to our style guide (Chicago) to be considered, but accepted authors will be asked to format them later. Papers submitted for the panel may also be considered for the annual Hume Studies Essay Prize, if they qualify. (Information on the Prize is found at the link above too). We will make every attempt to expedite review and deliver decisions within 8 weeks. The special panel is planned for issue 51:2 (Nov 2026).
Due date for submissions: 1 August 2025.
Nissa Bell posted an articleCALL FOR PAPERS - MAiD in Canada - Memorial University Deadline for Abstract Submission June 7, 2024CFP MAiD in Canada - Memorial University see more
Symposium: MAiD in Canada: A Sober Second Look
Memorial University, Signal Hill Campus
St. John’s, Canada
September 27-28, 2024
In the eight years since Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) became legal in Canada, Canada has become one of the most liberal MAiD regimes in the world. The Centre for Bioethics at Memorial University is hosting an international symposium to consider what has been happening in this space, how we as a country got to where we are in this regard, and what if anything we should be doing differently moving forward. We welcome abstracts on any aspect of this topic.
Plenary speakers for this event include Trudo Lemmens (Faculty of Law, University of Toronto), Isabel Grant (Faculty of Law, University of British Columbia), and Scott Kim (Department of Bioethics, National Institutes of Health, USA). Symposium proceedings will be published in a special issue of the Canadian Journal of Bioethics.
Those wishing to present a paper should submit an abstract in Word format (300 words max) by June 7th, 2024.
Abstracts should be prepared for blind review, with name, institutional affiliation, and contact information on a separate title page. Please send abstracts to, with “MAiD Symposium” in the subject line. Decisions will be made by June 30th, 2024.
The symposium will take place at Memorial’s Signal Hill campus, against the backdrop of the Atlantic Ocean and the iconic Signal Hill National Historic Site.
Nissa Bell posted an articleCALL FOR PAPERS: Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Region Philosophers' Association (ARPA) 2024 see more
CALL FOR PAPERS: Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Region Philosophers' Association (ARPA) 2024
October 4-5, 2024
Memorial University
St. John's, Newfoundland
Theme: Social Minds, Animal Minds & Ethics
Keynote Speaker: Kristin Andrews, York Research Chair in Philosophy of Animal Minds
- Papers from all areas of philosophy are welcome
- Submissions should assume the form of an abstract no longer than 300 words and should include the author's name, institution, affiliation, and contact information.
- Abstracts should be sent as Word or PDF files to
Deadline for submission of abstracts is August 1, 2024
Jennifer Burns posted an articleThe submission deadline is now July 15th 2019. see more
Call for Papers
*Deadline Extended to July 15*
The 56thannual meeting of the
Western Canadian Philosophical Association
in conjunction with the 4thannual meeting of the
Canadian Society for Environmental Philosophy/ Société Canadienne de Philosophie Environnementale
will be held October 25th-27that the University of Lethbridge
in Lethbridge, Alberta
Keynote Speaker:
Andrew Light
(George Mason University)
Submissions of papers from all areas of philosophy are welcome. Papers should be no more than 4,000 words (excluding notes), presentable in 25-30 minutes to allow for commentary and discussion, and prepared for anonymous review. The extended submission deadline is JULY 15th 2019.
Please submit papers in electronic form (PDF) and a brief abstract (no more than 150 words) via EasyChair:
Proposals for panels or symposia are also welcome. Please submit the proposed title of the symposium as well as a collection of abstracts in electronic form (PDF), and a brief abstract (no more than 150 words) indicating that you are proposing a panel/symposium via EasyChair (in the same way as you would submit a paper). Symposia are allotted 2 hours.
Colloquium papers and panels/symposia on environmental topics may be submitted for presentation either on the WCPA main program or the program of the CSEP/SCPE, but will automatically be considered for presentation on both programs. Please indicate if you are submitting with the CSEP/SPCE in mind at the top of your abstract.
Both the WCPA and CSEP will be awarding a Student Essay Prize, so if you are a student, please indicate this.
For more information, and a link to the EasyChair submission page, please visit:
A keynote for CSEP may be announced at a later date
Jennifer Burns posted an articleAitéo has extended the submission deadline for the Winter 2018/19 Edition. see more
Aitéo, Memorial University of Newfoundland's undergraduate journal of philosophy, has extended the submission deadline for the Winter 2018/19 Edition! The current deadline is February 12, 2019. Use the form attached to submit your paper, and be careful to follow the instructions. We encourage all philosophy undergraduate students to submit papers, and allow submissions from current graduate students so long as the paper was written during their undergraduate program.
You may submit your essay at the following link (, or email as an attachment to As well, we will be happy to address any questions or accessibility concerns. We aim to be as accommodating as possible.
Please ensure your submission:
1. Is an academic essay that has been submitted to a professor and has received an A-range grade.
2. Has been revised prior to submission.
3. Is between 2500 and 5000 words.
4. Is a philosophy paper and/or substantively approaches its content from a philosophical perspective.
5. Is formatted according to Chicago Manual of Style guidelines.*
6. Is prepared for double-blind peer-review.**
7. Includes a title page submitted as a separate document.
8. Includes an abstract (~150-250 wds).*For CMOS guidelines, see:
**To ensure fairness, Aitéo uses a double-blind peer-review procedure during the initial review process. To prepare your document for review, please ensure that:
1. Identifying information, such as professor's name, author's name, or student number, does not appear anywhere in the document itself.
2. If used, self-citations do not identify you as the author of the essay.
3. Finally, any identifying metadata that may be attached to the file is removed. -
Jennifer Burns posted an articleDate limite pour recevoir les propositions : Vendredi, 15 février 2019, 17 heures see more
*Appel à communications*
Mercredi, 1er mai 2019 Salle D-R200, pavillon Athanase-David, UQAM(1430 rue Saint-Denis/métro Berri-UQAM)
Date limite pour recevoir les propositions :
Vendredi, 15 février 2019, 17 heuresLe Centre de recherche en immigration, ethnicité et citoyenneté (CRIEC) invite les étudiantes et étudiants des cycles supérieurs, ainsi que les chercheur.e.s en début de carrière à participer à son colloque international et interdisciplinaire. Les communications pourront aborder un large éventail de questions liées à l’immigration, la diversité ethnoculturelle ou la citoyenneté. Plus largement, les propositions qui s’inscrivent dans un des principaux champs d’intérêt de du Centre seront privilégiées.
Axe 1 : Gestion des mobilités: enjeux de sécurité et d’insécurité
Axe 2 : Citoyenneté, droit(s) et processus de subjectivation et d’assujettissement
Axe 3 : L’insertion des immigrants dans les espaces du travail et les organisations
Axe 4 : Intégration, exclusions, et processus identitaires
Une présentation exhaustive des champs d’intérêt du Centre se trouve sur le site Internet :
CONSIGNES : Les communications auront pour but de faire état des recherches en cours ou récemment achevées, et des résultats obtenus au moment de la rédaction. Les propositions de communication (maximum de 250 mots) devront être rédigées en français sur le formulaire « projet de communication CRIEC » disponible au: La durée de chaque communication est de 15 minutes.
DATE LIMITE : Nous invitons les candidates et candidats à retourner le formulaire par voie électronique à l’adresse suivante : au plus tard le 15 février 2019, 17 heures.
Une confirmation sera transmise dès réception de la proposition. Par la suite, un comité scientifique du CRIEC évaluera les propositions et communiquera sa décision aux personnes sélectionnées avant le 15 mars 2019.
Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter le site Internet du CRIEC :
Organisé par :
Le Centre de recherche en immigration, ethnicité et citoyenneté, Université du Québec à Montréal
Sous la responsabilité du Comité scientifique du Centre de recherche en immigration, ethnicité et citoyenneté, Université du Québec à MontréaPartenaire:
Jennifer Burns posted an articleThe Convergence is an opportunity for philosopher/surfers to present a paper, socialize, and surf. see more
*Call for Papers*
2019 PHILOsurfer Convergence
What: 2019 PHILOsurfer Convergence
Where: Hotel Indigo, Del Mar, California
When: June 26 – 28, 2019
Keynote Speakers:
Jamie Brisick (Former professional surfer, Fulbright Scholar, author of Have Board, Will Travel: The Definitive History of Surf, Skate, and Snow, and Becoming Westerly)
Dr. Matthew Talbert (Senior Researcher with the Lund-Gothenburg Responsibility Project; Assoc. Professor of Philosophy, West Virginia University)
Topic Areas: Open, but papers addressing philosophical issues in surfing are encouraged.
The PHILOsurfer Convergence is an annual conference that aims to bring together philosophy professors and graduate students who share a passion for philosophy and surfing. This year's Convergence will provide opportunities for the philosopher/surfer to present a paper, socialize, and surf with like-minded individuals at the many breaks in and around the Orange County/San Diego area. The event is limited to twenty-five participants.
If you would like to attend and/or present a paper at the 2019 Convergence, please email the conference organizers, Dr. Patrick Findler ( and Dr. Colin Ruloff (
Host Institution: Department of Philosophy, Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Jennifer Burns posted an articleOpen Philosophy, an open-access, peer-reviewed journals, is currently accepting submissions. see more
Open Philosophy is an international Open Access, peer-reviewed academic journal covering all areas of philosophy. The objective of Open Philosophy is to foster free exchange of ideas and provide an appropriate platform for presenting, discussing and disseminating new concepts, current trends, theoretical developments and research findings related to the broadest philosophical spectrum. The journal does not favour any particular philosophical school, perspective or methodology.
Currently we have consecutive CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS:
- Topical issue: Object-Oriented Ontology and its Critics, edited by Graham Harman (Southern California Institute of Architecture) - deadline for submissions: May 31, 2019,
- Topical Issue: Does Public Art Have to be Bad Art?, edited by Mark Kingwell (Toronto University) - deadline for submissions: April 30, 2019,
- Topical Issue: Experience in a New Key, ed. Dorthe Jørgensen (Aarhus University, Denmark) - deadline for submissions: May 31, 2019,
- Topical Issue: Computer Modeling in Philosophy, ed. Patrick Grim (Stony Brook/University of Michigan, USA) - deadline for submissions: February 28, 2019,
Jennifer Burns posted an articleThe 2023 meeting will be held in Toronto and includes a series of paired sessions. see more
Call for Papers
Annual Meeting
The Canadian Philosophical Association
29 May - 1 June, 2023
2023 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences
York University
Toronto, ON
The Canadian Philosophical Association invites submissions of papers, abstracts, and Invited Symposium proposals for its 2023 annual meeting. This meeting is part of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences and will take place May 29 – June 1 alongside meetings of other learned societies at York University in Toronto, ON. For the first time, the CPA meeting will include a series of special sessions, each of which will pair two prominent philosophers on a topic of shared interest. For its 2023 annual meeting, the CPA is delighted to announce the participation of Dorit Bar-On, Margaret Graver, Brad Inwood, Antti Kauppinen, Eric Marcus, Adam Pautz, Jonathan Schaffer, and Christine Tappolet.
As in previous years, the CPA meeting will also feature concurrent colloquia and symposia, and a plenary keynote given by a distinguished philosopher and sponsored by the Canadian Journal of Philosophy. Every area of philosophy will be represented at the CPA meeting, with several hundred philosophers attending from across the globe.
The program committee anonymously referees abstracts as well as full papers and will consider proposals for Invited Symposia. Submissions in all areas of philosophy are welcome. The CPA is committed to organizing an accessible and inclusive meeting.
A number of prizes are awarded by the Association for essays submitted for the Annual Meeting: two faculty essay prizes (one tenured, one non-tenured) and up to three student essay prizes (one student prize is reserved for each official language). The Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences will again offer the Congress Graduate Merit Award (CGMA) program to support graduate students at Congress. In each year’s December issue of Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review, prize winners from that year's Annual Meeting will be announced and a short list of exceptional papers that have been vetted by journal reviewers will be published. Prize winners are encouraged to submit their publication-ready papers to Dialogue early.
For more information about the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, please visit
The deadline for abstract and paper submissions is midnight, January 9, 2023. For detailed instructions, please visit
Volunteers to chair or comment are encouraged. To volunteer, please click here.
Jennifer Burns posted an articleThe APT invites proposals for its annual conference to be held October 24th-26th, 2019. see more
2019 Association for Political Theory
Proposal Deadline: Monday, February 4, 2019
The Association for Political Theory Annual Conference
University of California, Irvine
October 24th-26th, 2019Program Committee Co-Chairs:
Hagar Kotef (SOAS University of London) and
Neil Roberts (Williams College)The Association for Political Theory (APT) invites proposals from faculty members, independent scholars, and ABD graduate students for its annual conference to be held October 24th-26th, 2019, at the campus of the University of California, Irvine. We will consider papers on all topics in political theory, political philosophy and their cognate disciplines, from scholars working in any field at any institution. We also encourage faculty members to volunteer to serve as chairs and/or discussants.
How to apply:
(1) Proposers must be members of the Association (membership is free). If you are not yet a member, please submit an application at: by February 1, 2019.
(2) Abstracts of 300-400 words are due by midnight PST on Monday, February 4, 2019 at: (you must log on to submit). Each member may submit one proposal and may be a co-author on one proposal submitted by someone else. The APT conference does not accept full panel or roundtable proposals.
Thursday Programming and applying for workshop panels:
This year the APT will extend some of its programming into Thursday by holding three to four workshop panels on that day. Workshops of this type were formerly held during the first session on Saturday. We realize that not everyone can attend the conference on Thursday but if you are interested in presenting your paper at a Thursday workshop panel, please indicate on your proposal form that you would like to be considered and that you are willing to fulfil the commitments it requires. Workshop panels will consist of three presenters and a chair; but instead of a traditional discussant, the panelists and pre-registered audience members will read all papers and prepare written comments for the presenters by the beginning of the conference. At the conference, participants will spend approximately 30 minutes workshopping each of the papers. We will designate these panels only after the PC has evaluated the proposals.Additional Thursday programming will include other events such as the First Book Manuscript Workshop and a plenary roundtable featuring scholars from UC-Irvine and other institutions in California. A reception shall follow.
Chairs and Discussants:
If you are proposing a paper and wish to participate as a chair and/or discussant on another panel, please indicate your areas of expertise in the relevant box on the proposal form. If you are willing to participate as a chair and/or discussant without making a paper proposal, please fill out the form available at: Chairs and discussants must have a Ph.D.Pre-circulation requirement:
Presenters on Thursday workshop panels must submit their papers electronically to the paper archive on the APT website no later than September 27, 2019. All other presenters must submit their papers to the archive no later than October 4, 2019. The archive will be password-protected so that access is limited to members of APT. Presenters who do not meet these deadlines will not be able to propose a paper for the following year’s conference.Questions and assistance:
For questions about the program or proposal guidelines, please contact one of the Program Committee Co-Chairs, Hagar Kotef ( and Neil Roberts ( If you have any difficulties submitting a proposal, please contact APT at learn more about the Association and its annual conference please visit the APT website at
Jennifer Burns posted an article2021 Conference Themes: Climate Change & Social Justice, New Directions in Environmental Philosophy. see more
*Call for Papers*
The Canadian Society for Environmental Philosophy / Société Canadienne de Philosophie Environnementale is holding its 2021 Annual Meeting
in conjunction with
The 57th annual meeting of the Western Canadian Philosophical Association and 2nd Salish Sea Aesthetics Workshop: November 12-14 2021
(Hosted by the University of Victoria, Marriot Hotel: Inner Harbour)
2021 Conference Themes:
Climate Change & Social Justice
New Directions in Environmental Philosophy
Submissions requested on the conference themes and any Canadian and global environmental issues in all their philosophical dimensions; including (but not limited to) the aesthetic, cultural, ethical, epistemological, metaphysical, ontological, phenomenological, social/political, scientific, and spiritual.
Colloquium papers should be no more than 4,000 words (text), presentable in 25-30 minutes to allow for commentary and discussion, and prepared for anonymous review.
Please note: papers accepted for the conference will automatically be considered for the Society's forthcoming new open access journal, the Canadian Journal of Environmental Philosophy.
Proposals for panels or symposia will also be considered. Please submit the proposed title, abstracts of presentations, and names of all participants. Symposia would be allotted 2 hours.
The CSEP/SCPE will award a Graduate Student Essay Prize, so if eligible, please indicate this.
Information about the conference will be available at the WCPA website:
Submissions should be submitted via EasyChair:
Please submit your paper or symposium proposal by August 1, 2021. Please include “CSEP/SCPE” among your keywords or in your submission title.
For assistance regarding the CSEP/SCPE, contact
Or visit the CSEP/SCPE website:
Jennifer Burns posted an articleWe invite contributions engaging with adversariality in argument from any area of philosophy. see more
*Call for Papers*
Topoi Special Issue Adversariality in ArgumentGuest Editors:
John Casey (Northeastern Illinois University)and
Katharina Stevens (University of Lethbridge)
*Deadline for Submissions Extended to 1 June 2020*While worries about adversariality in argument date back to Plato, more recent concerns about adversariality can be found in Janice Moulton’s (1983) identification of adversarial argument as a dominant paradigm in philosophy. Since the 80’s, there has been a growing body of work on argumentation, deliberation, and disagreement that confronts the dangers, limitations, and advantages of adversarial argumentation spanning various areas of research, such as argumentation theory, feminist theory, critical thinking research, deliberative democracy, and the cognitive science of reasoning. Contributions have produced a multitude of conceptions of adversariality, and strong arguments both for and against the importance of different forms of adversariality in argument. The concern with the role of adversariality has led to the development of cooperative theories of argumentation in critical thinking research. It has motivated ideas about how adversariality could be reduced or used for its positive effects as well as arguments about the moral obligations arguers have towards their interlocutors in argumentation theory. It stands in the center of feminist criticisms of contemporary argumentative practices. It has sparked debates about the design of deliberative publics in research on deliberative democracy. And it plays an important role in the argumentative theory of reasoning in cognitive science.
The renewed interest in adversariality is important and timely. In an increasingly polarized world and faced with a public debate that is often hostile and unproductive, it is necessary to develop a robust theory of adversariality and its place in argument. Yet, authors in the debate often seem to be lacking a common understanding of what adversariality means, or in what sense it is or is not important/essential/productive. This special issue aims to bring different perspectives on adversariality in argument together and thereby both invigorate and focus an already lively debate. We therefore invite contributions that engage with adversariality in argument from any area of philosophy in the hope for a diverse and informative issue.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to: Kinds of Adversariality; Is Adversariality Essential to Argument?; The Psychology of Argumentative Adversariality; Adversariality and the Cognitive Science of Reasoning; Adversariality in Political Deliberation; Adversariality in Deliberation Design, Argument-As-War Metaphor; Can Cooperative Argument Replace the Dominant Adversarial Model?; Argumentative Adversariality and Feminist Theory; Adversariality and Justice in Argument; Adversariality and Belief; History of the Problem of Adversariality; Adversariality Across Theories of Argumentation (Informal Logic, Pragma-Dialectics, Rhetoric, etc.); Adversariality and Disagreement; Adversariality and Polarization; Adversariality and Epistemology; Adversariality and Pedagogy; Critical Thinking and Adversarial Argumentation; The Ethics of Adversariality.
Invited contributors: Scott Aikin (Vanderbilt University), Catherine Hundleby (University of Windsor) and Moira Howes (Trent University), Andrew Aberdein (Florida Institute of Technology), Sharon Bailin and Mark Battersby (Simon Fraser University)
Instructions for Submission: All papers will be double-blind peer-reviewed. Submission is organized through TOPOI’s online editorial manager:
Log in, click on “submit new manuscript” and select “Adversariality in argument” from the menu “article type”.
Please upload: 1) a manuscript prepared for double-blind peer-review and 2) a title page containing the title of the paper, name, affiliation and contact details of the author, word-count, abstract and key-words.
Papers should not exceed 8000 words (excluding notes).
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact: Katharina Stevens ( or John Casey (